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N°d'asbl: 0460.442.568

Actes de naissance/baptême

Commune/Paroisse : Rochefort [Namur]   (Carte)
Patronyme : PONCELET

Pages : 1 2

Tri : DatesPrénomsPèreMère
101.  1877  PONCELET Marie EmilienneN PONCELET Josephine
102.  1878  PONCELET Hubert JosephPONCELET Jean JosephPETIT Josephine
103.  1879  PONCELET Arthur JosephPONCELET LéopoldOLIVIER Augustine
104.  1879  PONCELET Emile Hubert JosephPONCELET Hubert JosephPONCELET Hubertine Philppine
105.  1879  PONCELET Hubert JosephPONCELET Jean JosephPETIT Josephine
106.  1880  PONCELET Arthrur JosephPONCELET HenriDUMONT Ursule
107.  1880  PONCELET Aubin AugustePONCELET Nicolas JosephLAMBERT Catherine
108.  1880  PONCELET AugustePONCELET LéopoldOLIVIER Augustine
109.  1880  PONCELET JosephinePONCELET Jean JosephPETIT Josephine
110.  1881  PONCELET Emile Adelin JosephPONCELET Simon JosephLAURENT Josephine
111.  1882  PONCELET Adolphine JosephPONCELET Jean JosephPETIT Josephine
112.  1883  PONCELET Alphonse JulesPONCELET SimonLAURENT Josephine
113.  1883  PONCELET Fernand Florent GhislainPONCELET LéoppoldOLIVIER Augustine
114.  1883  PONCELET Ignace Léopold GrégoirePONCELET Léopold JosephOLIVIER Augustine
115.  1883  PONCELET Juliette Bernardine AnastasiePONCELET EmileCUVELLIER Marie
116.  1883  PONCELET Thérèse LambertinePONCELET HenriDUMONT Ursule
117.  1884  PONCELET Joseph FrançoisPONCELET HenriDUMONT Ursule
118.  1885  PONCELET Léon JosephPONCELET LéopoldOLIVIER Augustine
119.  1886  PONCELET Adelin RemiPONCELET LéopoldOLIVIER Augustine
120.  1886  PONCELET AlexisPONCELET EmileCUVELLER Marie
121.  1886  PONCELET Joseph NarcissePONCELET SimonLAURENT Josephine
122.  1887  PONCELET Léontine JosephiinePONCELET HenriDUMONT Ursule
123.  1888  PONCELET Alice Marie CatherinePONCELET SimonLAURENT Josephine
124.  1892  PONCELET Josephine Augustine GhislainePONCELET EmileCUVELLIER Marie
125.  1892  PONCELET JuliaPONCELET JosephGILLIARD? Julie
126.  1897  PONCELET Etienette Hubertine JosephinePONCELET Hubert JosephSACK Marie Louise
127.  1898  PONCELET Julie HubertinePONCELET Hubert JosephSACK Marie Louise
128.  1899  PONCELET Charles Hubert GhislainPONCELET Hubert Alphonse Joseph GhislaiPIERRET Marie Victorine
129.  1900  PONCELET Isidore Emile LéonPONCELET Hubert JosephSACK Maria
130.  1901  PONCELET Joséphine Alice GhislainePONCELET Hubert Alphonse JosephPIERRET Marie Victorine
131.  1908  PONCELET Armand JosephPONCELET Hubert JosephSACK Marie Louise
132.  1912  PONCELET Hélène Aldegonde SimonePONCELET Émile Adelain JosephGILLARD Eva Sidonie Honorine
133.  1914  PONCELET Julie Emillie GhislainePONCELET AlexisDELHAISE Auréllie
134.  1915  PONCELET Madeleine Joséphine Philippine GhPONCELET ÉlmileWEBER Marie
135.  1916  PONCELET Maurice-Joseph-SimonPONCELET Émile-AdelinGILLARD Eva-Sidonie-Honorine
136.  1917  PONCELET Hubert-Victor-Alphonse-GhislainPONCELET ÉmileWEBER Marie
137.  1919  PONCELET Fernande Philippine HubertinePONCELET EmileWÉBER Marie
138.  1922  PONCELET Arsène Pélagie Véronique GhislainePONCELET LucienLISSOIR Aline
139.  1922  PONCELET Victor Hubert GhislainPONCELET EmileWÉBER Marie
140.  1923  PONCELET Eugène Joseph Jules GhislainPONCELET Lucien Joseph GhislainLISSOIR Marie Joseph Ghislaine Aline
141.  1924  PONCELET Véronique Arsène Pélagie GhislainePONCELET Lucien Joseph GhislainLISSOIR Marie Joseph Ghislaine Aline

Pages : 1 2


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