Vous cherchez un patronyme? Looking for a surname? |
Le principe en avait été lancé avec Walldoor.
Ce programme, tournant sous DOS, exploitait une base de données
alimentée par les mêmes acteurs.
On pouvait le consulter sur
le BBS de Nethen Valley, et lors des réunions des clubs.
Manquant des attraits graphiques d'OS plus récents, Walldoor a dès
lors subi une sérieuse cure de rajeunissement, et revit sous le
sytème d'exploitation Windows!
Pour marquer cette mutation, elle s'appelera désormais
GeniWdep, et tournera sous une application conçue par
Frédéric FAMMEREE, membre de GENIWAL.
Nous vous en montrons ci-dessous une copie écran pour le patronyme "MATHOT"
Voir sur la feuille TARIFS
Réservez ici votre copie personnelle de la dernière version de GeniWdep !
Comment Installer GeniWdep 2001?
Si vous n'êtes pas affilié à Wallonia, vous pouvez
cependant obtenir un CD-ROM
On the 30th of December 98, an agreement has been concluded between WALLONIA
(WALLONIA and GENIWAL are genealogy societies for the Province of Luxembourg
and the Province of Wallonian Brabant respectively.)
According to this agreement, all the genealogy clubs from French speaking Belgium will be allowed to cooperate to the CD-ROM disk GENIWAL makes available today, and plans to publish yearly. This disk contains all the databases encoded (and made available) by the amateur genealogist from this region.
Amongst these data bases, Walldoor is "born again" under the Windows 95/98
and NT Operating systems
To show the mutation to these modern OS, it has been renamed in GeniWdep, and
is managed by an application written by Frédéric FAMMEREE, a member
To feed his database, every searcher may send his/her datas (not forgeting
to send the way to get in touch with him/her, eiher by regular mail, or by Email
!) under two forms wich are described in another page
Just to see what is now available on this disk, please see here under what is shown when you ask for the surname "MATHOT"
The CD-ROM is now available. It is planned to publish an issue of this CD-ROM
once a year. The disk is fairly priced (at "costing prices")
It will be updated as soon as the GEDCOMS are sent by genealogist, and the treated
updates will be stored on a BBS (with limited access).
Necessary resources to run GeniWdep
If you want to acquire this disk (which will be protected by a personnal key) , you have first to be a member of one of the participating clubs, -ie, Geniwal, Wallonia, GEAL, and GEPHIL- to the project - (If you choose to adhere to Wallonia, Click here to see How to join Wallonia).
Read also the text of the Convention/Covenant (in French only) signed between the producer and the genealogy associations.
Acquisition conditions
To Order your issue
of the last CD-ROM,
send your remittance of 11 Euros(or US $ equivalent) under a sealed enveloppe
Sampont, Rue du Potier, 7
B-6700 ARLON
If you are not a member of Wallonia, you may acquire a copy
of the CD-ROM
If you want your datas to be included in the data base, and available to all searchers from all around the World , see on the Feeding the Database page to know how to send your GEDCOM!
The goal of this database is not to spend time and money for an already made
job, but also, and first of all, to put genealogy searchers in touch!
Nothing is more stimulating than to share sources and informations with searchers
having the same surnames of interrest, but who could also happen to be far removed
You find hereunder the program' answer to the query "MATHOT"
The explanations are allowable in French, English and Dutch languages. The coordinates
of the author are given when you click on one line.
If somebody finds names of interrest to him/her, all he/she has to do is to send an Email or letter to the author to manage a data exchange. On the other hand (or end...), the authors wins a new contact!
At any rate, the infos shown in WALLDOOR - GeniWdep are only an indication
of what is contained in your own data base: by design, only names, years and
places are shown, without any other links to parents, children or spouses
It is thus unreal to think it is possible to build someone's genealogy from
these bare informations...
If you want to be a participant to the building and growth of WALLDOOR - GeniWdep, see how to send your datas at URL How to feed the database
This database was first fed with datas sent by (French speaking) belgian genealogy
Now, as these informations are also of interrest to foreign descendants of walloon
emigrants, Gedcoms are more and more sent from abroad. We refer here to walloons
who left their country to settle in the USA, but also in Sweden, Canada, Australia,
Brasil, or even Africa.
But we see no reason to stick to descendants only : what about the ancestors
of the Walloons of Today? I think here to the second or third generation of
Italians born in Belgium! They may find some help here, since a few members
of WALLONIA have still family ties with Italy!.
Much closer, many today's walloons have roots in the Flemish region, or, more
common, in France? It's the reason why Wallonia wants to promote all kinds of
contacts on any sides ...
On the other hand, the association wants to help the systematic encoding of Parish Registers indexes, (and later, of the Civil registersl!). These electronic records will be published later in another data base, WALLCOM.
Merci de votre visite! Thank you for paying us a visit!
22 Mai 97 -- Révisé le
Vous cherchez un Patronyme? Looking for a surname?
Remarques : envoyez vos remarques à mon Email
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