Vous cherchez un Patronyme? Looking for a surname?
English Version
Version d'amon Nos'ont
Mais attention! Des PROJETS existent pour rendre WALLONIA
consultable "On-Line": tout dépend de la faculté de trouver un
serveur, local ou non, qui accepterait d'héberger notre banque de
données; et, d'autre part, des associations françaises tentent de
nous démontrer les attraits, financiers et autres, d'un placement sur
travailleravec WALLONIA.
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"due to the Belgian Law for Private Life protection, all the informations recorded after 1895 are kept here under the control and responsability of their proprietor"
These pages were first written in the French Language. To help our foreign visitors not fluent in that language, we have tried to translate this job in English. The work is done slowly; so, don't be angry after us if some links are still to French pages... Be patient with us: we are also trying to learn! (I left school 30 years ago, and the bits of memory I am left with are far to be as good as I would have expected, or hoped... )Every suggestion to help us deliver a better translation (and spelling!) will be most welcome...
Vous cherchez un Patronyme? Looking for a surname?
Nonetheless, even if BK5 has been choosen to standardise the procedures and
for its multiple forms of reports, every GEDCOM compatible genealogy program
may be used to exchange (send and receive) datas with WALLONIA.
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Page Créée le 15 Jul 1996 sur Geocities -- Révisée le 29 Avr 2000 . © Wallonia asbl
Remarques :
envoyez vos remarques à mon Email hubert.barnich@marche.be
Merci de votre visite!